Wondering what amazing things you can do with Maisie Jane’s Almonds in your kitchen? We have some great ideas for you and would love to hear yours, too!
Isidro & Maisie Jane’s Brie Cheese
- 1 small round of Brie cheese
- 6-8 cloves garlic-chopped
- About 3 T. Olive Oil
- ¼ C. dried cranberries
- ½ C. Maisie Jane’s Organic Oven Roasted Sliced Almond Delights
- 1 baguette loaf of bread-sliced
Set Oven for 375 degrees. Put garlic, Olive Oil, & dried Cranberries over the top and surrounding the round of Brie.Put in oven and cook until the Brie looks melted and soft inside. Don’t overcook; otherwise you will burn the garlic and dried cranberries!Sprinkle the Maisie Jane’s Organic Sliced almonds on top and serve immediately with bread. Enjoy!